Friday Fictioneers- The Clock

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carrol

The Clock

The clock was bought by my grandfather on his honeymoon many moons ago. It was expertly placed in their living room by my grandmother when they returned home.  It rang “2”, when my father entered this world. Rang “5”, when my dear Auntie finally got a sweetheart. It rang “8” when we started calling it “Uncle Louie”.

Now, it seems Uncle Louie has started a family of his own. A web has formed on its side. Inside its crevices a spider with its little ones are crawling about. My own, want the spiders to stay awhile and so they shall.



Author’s Notes:

    Have decided to flex my writing muscles again after a very long break. Hopefully, after a good stretch they will start to work well again.

This is my first official post on word press . Also my first attempt at responding to a writing prompt in awhile. Previously, I had a poetry blog on blogger which was called In the Silence of the Day (click here to view). I chose to call this new blog by the same name because… Well, because it just has a nice ring to it. Hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to reading your posts.

                                                                                                  Happy writing ! Happy reading!,

                                                                                                                                  Isabel Amaya 


 Friday Fictioneers :

  1. Write a short story using only 100 words about the photo shown above 
  2.  link it to this week’s Friday Fictioneer writing prompt post on Rochelle’s blog, Addicted to Purple , by clicking on the frog ( see below) on her post or mine. 
  3. Comment on other blogs that have joined in on the fun.

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